Category Archives: My Daughter’s Blog

Without Fear of Man (Spurgeon’s Faith’s Checkbook)

From Charles Spurgeon’s “Faith’s Checkbook”
Without Fear of Man
April 7
And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord; and they shall be afraid of thee. (Deuteronomy 28:10)

Then we can have no reason to be afraid of them. This would show a mean spirit and be a token of unbelief rather than of faith. God can make us so like Himself that men shall be forced to see that we rightly bear His name and truly belong to the holy Jehovah. Oh, that we may obtain this grace which the Lord waits to bestow!
Be assured that ungodly men have a fear of true saints. They hate them, but they also fear them. Haman trembled because of Mordecai, even when he sought the good man’s destruction. In fact, their hate often arises out of a dread which they are too proud to confess. Let us pursue the path of truth and uprightness without the slightest tremor. Fear is not for us but for those who do ill and fight against the Lord of hosts. If indeed the name of the eternal God is named upon us, we are secure; for, as of old, a Roman had but to say Romanus sum, I am a Roman, and he could claim the protection of all the legions of the vast empire; so every one who is a man of God has omnipotence as his guardian, and God will sooner empty heaven of angels than leave a saint without defense. Be braver than lions for the right, for God is with you.

From the Faith’s Checkbook Mobile Devotional Android app –


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Now For a Few Awards I Designed

For the last few weeks I’ve been working on compiling a list of awards that are here on WordPress.  Some of these awards many of us have received over and over, so I thought we needed some fresh ones to share.

The first one is The Full of Heart Blogging Award.  It is to be given to bloggers who write from their hearts, no matter what the emotion, but you must be able to feel their heart through their words.

Rules for this award are…

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.
  2. Share the people or things you love most in an anagram using the word HEART.

     (Example:  H…Hearing laughter from my family

                        E…Every single day that I am alive.

                        A…All my family

                        R…Reading Books

                        T…The Bible

       3.  Nominate 7 other bloggers, and notify them of their nomination.

Since I designed this award I will thank God for the inspiration to design it.  My anagram is the example listed above, but I will nominate 7 bloggers to recieve this award.  They are as follows…



Award #2 is The Super Sweet Blogging Award.  This award goes to those bloggers who give the sweetest comments, or have the sweetest blog.

The rules are…

  1. Say something sweet about the blogger who nominated you, thank them and then link to their blog.
  2. Answer the following questions…

     a.  Cookies or Cake?    (My answer is both, because it depends on my mood and the type.)

     b.  Chocolate or Vanilla?  (My answer is Vanilla, unless it is a candy.)

     c.   What is your favorite sweet treat?  (Mine is Chex Turtle Mix)

     d.   When do you crave sweet things the most? (Not often but usually when I real low on energy.)

     e.   If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?  ( Mine would be Chocolate Covered Cherry)

  1. Nominate a “Baker’s Dozen” (13) other bloggers for the award and notify them of their nomination.

    Since I designed this award I will thank God for inspiration and my husband for fixing my computer and keeping it running right.  My answers to the questions are in parentheses next to the questions, and here are my nominees for the award…

    That’s my Baker’s Dozen, and they are really sweet people who deserve to be noticed.



    #3 of my awards is The Crafty Blogger Award, and is an award that I believe should go to those bloggers who are crafty and are always posting things they have made or want to make, or share craft ideas with their readers, or who share their creativeness through art or photography.

    The rules are..

    This award should be given to those who show crafty projects they have made on their blog.

    1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, and place a link to their blog in your post.
    2. Tell about the greatest home made gift you gave or received.
    3. Nominate 5 other bloggers for this award and notify them of their nomination.

    Since I designed this one I will thank all those craft bloggers who have inspired me throughout the years, and God who gave me the gift of being creative.

    I’ve had the joy of making special gifts for many others and for being given great homemade gifts, so I will mention one I was given, in fact I’m given every year.  My sister-in-law started a tradition a few years ago of making clear glass ornaments with special things in them and a slip of paper attached with an encouraging thought.  She has encouraged us to have faith, to dream, to love, and more through these ornaments, and it is one of my favorite Christmas gifts each year.  I can’t wait to see what she has come up with each year for us to add to our Christmas tree.

    My 5 nominees for this award are all bloggers who inspire me through their crafty posts, their art, or their photography.  They are…



    #4 of the awards I designed is The Creative Writer Blog Award, and is meant to be given to those who share their creativity through writing stories, poems, and themselves through their writing.

    The rules are…

    This award should be given to those who have written a poem, a story, scripts, or some other creative form of writing for their blog.

    1. Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award, and link to their blog.
    2. Write a 8 line poem about yourself.
    3. Nominate 4 other bloggers for the award and notify them of their nomination.

      Since I designed this one I will again thank God for the creativity and inspiration he gives me to share this gift of writing.

      Here is my poem…

      Every morning when I rise,

      I wipe the sleep from my eyes.

      I wonder what the day will hold,

      And if my daughter will do what she’s told.

      I talk to God to start the day,

      And ask for help when I pray.

      I know that I will make it through,

      As the Lord helps me with all I do.

      My 4 nominees are…




      #5 of the awards I designed is The Dining Blogger Award.

      The rules are…

      This award goes to bloggers who share recipes, cooking stories, or cooking tips, canning tips, or food gardening tips on their blog.

      1. Thank the blogger who nominated and put a link to their blog in your post.
      2. Answer the following questions…

          a.  Is the cup half empty or half full?    (Always half full, but don’t mind if it’s overflowing.)

      b.  Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing?          (Salad dressing, preferably Miracle Whip)

      c.  Butter or Margarine?                            (Butter)

      d.  Favorite food?                                     (Seafood or Chinese)

      e.  If you could have a meal cooked by any famous chef who would you choose?  (Guy Fieri)

      f.  What was the last thing you cooked or baked?  (My homemade 3 cheese lasagna)

      g.  Party style, Buffet style, or Family style?  (Family style)

      h.  If you could have one last supper, what would you want?  (Boiled crab and lobster, shrimp cocktail, hushpuppies, fried clams, and boiled mussels, all with garlic and butter sauce.)

            3.  Nominate 6 others bloggers for this award, and notify them of their nomination.

      Since I again designed this one I will thank all those chefs on television who inspire me to cook, and who keep me hungry!   My 6 nominees are…

      Two more awards to go!!!!!!


      #6 of the awards I designed is The Imaginative Youth Blogging Award.  This award was designed because of all the homeschooling parents out there sharing ideas for our children.  So it is meant for those who share things for our youth, whether lessons, crafts, words of wisdom, or such.  But it must be things that help young people, not hurt them.

      The Rules are…

      1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.

      2.  Share a story from your youth, or if you are still young (20 or younger) share a hope and dream you have for your future.

      3.   Nominate 5 other bloggers and notify them of their nomination.

      Here is a story from my youth…wow, I just went blank…lol.  Hmmm.. .okay here is one I haven’t written about.  When I was 7 and 8 years old we lived in Biloxi, Mississippi, because my dad was stationed there.  We lived in base housing that was surrounded by a swamp filled with snakes, including water moccassins.  Across the swamp from where we lived was the V.A. Hospital, where there was lots of land surrounding it, big enough for a few sports fields.  My brothers and I, along with a few other G.I. brats use to climb a large tree that had a branch that crossed over the swamp, and we would drop into the Hospital lawn.  We would play ball and other games until we got caught.  One day the military police were waiting for us as we started dropping out of the tree.  After taking us all home, they chopped down our favorite branch so we couldn’t do it again.  I won’t tell you what we started doing to get back at them, but let’s just say it involved other trees, netting and snakes as surprises as they patrolled the sides of the swamp.

      My 5 nominees for this award are…

      I love sharing things from these blogs with my daughter, Jk, and so they are well deserving of this award.


      Finally, here is the last award I designed.  It is The Family of Bloggers Award, and was designed with the thought that there are many guys who also blog that might not want the Sisterhood of Bloggers award…lol.  Really, I’ve come to think of many bloggers as a part of my family and so this award was designed with them in mind.

      The rules are…

      1. Thank the person who nominated you and tell them what family member they would be if they were really related to you.
      2. Place a link to the blog of the person who nominated you in your post.
      3. Tell what attributes you bring to the family, using an anagram of the word FAMILY.


      A…Artistic side





      4.   Nominate at least 4 other people to be in your family of bloggers, and for this award, and notify them of their nomination.

      Since I designed this one I will thank all those bloggers who have been so warm and encouraging that I have felt like part of their family, like that crazy aunt…lol.  Here are my 4 nominees…

      Well, that’s it folks!  I’m finally through blogging awards.  All that is left to do is add pics to this posts in editing, and notifying all the nominees for all the awards I blogged today!




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Jk’s Blog…4th Day of Camp


Here is a link to Jk’s blog about her 4th day at Church camp…   It was a momentus day for her, but I won’t spoil her thunder.  I will just let you read about this special day for her on her blog.


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Jk’s blog…Day 3 of Camp

Jk just posted about her 3rd day at Church Camp, and shared one of her favorite messages from their chapel time.  I hope you will take the time to check it out.  Thank you!  Here is the link…


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Jk’s Blog…Day 2 of Church Camp

Even after our 5 and 1/2 hour chat when Jk got home from church camp, I am still hearing new stories about her time at church camp this week.  Now that her initial excitement has calmed down I am actually getting to hear the details behind conversations, and about each message and activity.  So I want to invite you to Jk’s blog to hear about Day 2 of her week at camp.  Here’s the link…


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Jklyn’s Blog Post #1 About Going to Church Camp

Here is a link to Jklyn’s new blog post about her first day at church camp last week.  I know she enjoyed her first experience of going to church camp, because when she came home on Friday of last week, she talked to me about it for 5 and 1/2 hours nonstop!  I’m sure you will get tickled at her adventures, and trust me be thankful you are not here for her to share with you all her bumps, scars, cuts, and scratches from all the fun she had.  You would think she was a military veteran the way she shows you every single one and tells how she got each one.  She told me that she wished she could go all summer, and all I could think about was how many more bumps, scars, cuts, and scratches she would have after a whole summer and that it would take her until Christmas to get over her excitement and finish telling me about her summer…lol.  I hope you will check out her blog!  By the way the photos from the camp are courtesy of our Pastor who took them.  Here is the link…


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Jk’s latest research blog on Mississippi

County Map of the State of Mississippi

Jklyn has researched a great many things in the past few weeks, but wasn’t sure what she wanted to post on her blog.  She finally decided to write about a state that I lived in as a young child, a state I loved living in and have many great childhood memories from.  That state is Mississippi.  Here is a link to her latest blog post…    I hope you will check it out and please feel free to write her a comment about her post, including suggestions for how she can improve her writing.  She loves to hear what people think of her writing.

Beach on Mississippi Coast

Mississippi State Bird

Mississippi State Flower


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Just a Taste of Jk’s New Homeschool Project

On nice weather days, when I’m having a good day as far as pain goes, my youngest daughter, Jk, and I often try to get out for a walk.  I’ve been trying to teach her a little about photography.  After a few of what we call our “photography walks” she has now amassed a number of photos that she has taken herself.  I decided to take this one step further to the computer to show her how to make the most of her photos, so that she could share a message with her photos that would say something about what they said to her, or what God is saying to us through his creation.  So I found a photo program that would allow her to add text, pictures, frames, and clipart to her photos, or that would allow her to mix photos together.  So this is just a taste of what she has been working on, with the hopes that she will be blogging some of them on her own blog.  Enjoy!




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Jk blogs on Indiana

Today while I took a much needed nap, Jklyn did her research and blog post on the Great State of Indiana.  If you have a moment please check it out.  Here’s the link…

Spring in Indiana

Falls in Anderson, Indiana

Covered Bridge in Bean Blossom Indiana

Autumn color in Indiana

Indianapolis, Indiana


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My Daughter is holding me hostage on her blogspot…LOL!

I’m sitting here at the computer, but am being held hostage by my tween daughter, JK.  She wants me to stay on her blog, All in the Life of Jk, so she can watch her stat meters change.  She’s hoping for 50 views in the next few minutes and won’t let me do anything else until she gets those views…lol.  Please rescue me and visit her bloggggggg…Pllleeeeeassseee help meeeeeeee!


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