About Me

That’s me just a few years ago, showing off the fish I caught at a family fishing trip and picnic. This is one of my favorite past times. I love fishing!

Me, now.



I’m editing this area About Me, just for Bird from Everyone Has a Story!  LOL!  Where do I start though?  You see, I’ve given my name at the bottom of each of my poems that I’ve posted.  So if you don’t know by now my name is Bonita, which means Beautiful in Spanish, then you haven’t read my poetry.  I’m finally a stay at home mom, after working from the age of 12 to the age of 49.  I have worked many jobs in my life, but the greatest portion was spent working as a theater tech, stage manager, and various other positions in the Entertainment/Theater field.  I’ve also worked in the food industry, education field, and owned my own novelty store for a short time.  I’m an avid fiber crafter, doing everything from crocheting to sewing, quilting, knitting, along with any other crafting I can find to do.  I even sold my creations in my store, craft fairs and craft stores.  I love to write, and have had some poetry published along the way, as well as some of my scripts performed in front of an audience.  I’m the proud (at times…lol) mother of 2 natural daughter, 3 adopted daughter, and 2 stepsons.  I also am a proud grandmother (all the time) of 4 grandsons and 1 granddaughter…so far.  I am the proud wife of a retired military guy…”Go Navy!”  But I have to say…”Go Marines” for my stepson, and “Go Air Force” too… for my dad, brothers and brother-in-laws who all are serving or have served proudly!  Yes…I’m a military brat, wife, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, stepmother!  I’ve lived over a half a century.  I play guitar, and sing, and in fact have a degree in Music/Vocal Performance with a minor in Drama.  I consider myself a “Jill of all Trades” because there is not much I haven’t done or can’t do…hmmm except fix my computer.  That I leave to my genius of a husband.   I don’t know what else to say…except the most important thing about me…I’m a Sinner saved by Grace!  Yes, I’m a Christian in love with the Lord Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for my sins on the cross, who forgave me, and has always loved me despite the way I am!

Me with my oldest and youngest daughters. They are my natural daughters, and 24 years apart.

There you go, Bird…I’m no longer a mystery to you…lol!

Yes, I was a child once, and my mother had to force me into dresses! This is from my early elementary years down in Mississippi!

My husband, Jk and I in our most recent family photo.

This is just for Bird…lol. From my time working theater and being a “Biker Chick”…lol! Sorry for the low cut, my daughter and I were at the beach, when she found a place on the pier where they did photos. She made me get mine done because it was the first day she had ever seen me smile. Wish I hadn’t been in the bathing suit, cover up and shorts when she decided to do it though…lol.


26 responses to “About Me

  1. writerwannabe763

    August 23, 2012 at 1:45 PM

    Hi Bonita….When you have a couple of minutes can you have a look at a short post I did about a computer problem. Your husband I know is very computer literate and may have an idea of a problem I have…If not that’s fine..I just remember that you mentioned once he knows quite a bit. ..Thanks Diane

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      September 5, 2012 at 1:30 PM

      Sorry, Diane, I’m just seeing this. I’m in my 4th straight week of being real sick and haven’t done much but sleep and take medicine. I look at it now.

  2. cindyhfrench

    August 12, 2012 at 10:12 PM

    Bonita, I am the one who is blessed to have Diane as my friend. She has done so much for me in helping me with my blog. But not only that when I had the pulmonary embolism last month. She wrote an announcement on my blog asking for prayer for me and then she and some of my other blogger friends re-blogged it and soon I had people all over everywhere calling and emailing and responding to the blog-which then attracted new people because they checked me out. What a blessing it was to go though! I was not worried for a minute. I knew I was not there to die. God has given me a task to do and at the least I must do it before He would take me. Even the asthma attack at 3 in the morning this past wk and our 5 hr stay at the ER for meds did not not panic me. God took away my fear and panic on May 5 2011 while we were the the floor of the ER room in the corner watching them work on me. You see, I had always not understood my great fear and panic when I would have an attack. I couldn’t think about God or heaven or Jesus or anything except that next breath. I prayed about it a lot. And so my Father, who loves me so much came to help me that night. And I was watching work on me as I was dying. They couldn’t get a vein. My husband would not let the doc intubate me. I have a living will and I would only do it under very specific circumstances that I have discussed with my pulmonary doc. my oxygen was dropping so low and my bp was so high-but my Father only wanted to discuss my fear and panic-so we did-He took it away that night. and although I have had one doozy attacks since, I have been so calm that the paramedics are concerned about taking me to the hospital!! and when I get there, even tho I can not breath, I am not panicked and they always want to know why? so I get to tell them about my Father and His precious Son.
    yes, I did blog that one too. it’s in the May archives of last year I believe..

    again, thanks for visiting me. anytime you see room for improvement don’t hesitate to say so.
    I do want to do my very best for HIM.


    • forhisgloryandpraise

      August 13, 2012 at 8:39 PM

      That is such a wonderful testimony, Cindy. I appreciate you sharing it with me. God bless you and your blog.

  3. cindyhfrench

    August 12, 2012 at 11:01 AM

    Bonita, I am a first time visitor, but will leave as a follower. I had to find out about you because you appreciate my wonderful friend, Diane, writerwannabe. i had written her a reply this morning after you sent her all those awards-I hope you forwarded to her as I realize now she didn’t get it from me.
    I love that you design awards. I have been threatening Diane, that I was going to design a super star award for someone like her who has been given them all so many times. And yet she is so self effacing -she is so dear to me. I think she IS a writer instead of a wannabe and have told her that from the first. I would so appreciate your input of the same back at her if you feel so inclined. . . just so she knows it’s not just me.
    In the meantime, I invite you to visit my blog. I write whatever God puts in my head and hands that moment of the day regardless of my plans. I have been writing for 3 years-so there is a lot in the archives. As Diane would tell you I have been through a lot physically, but my God has brought me through the fire whole and refined. He continues to prune of course. But I had to go through the fire to get to where I am now. It was the only way. And as hard and horrible and scary as it was, I would do it all again, to be so in love with my Lord now and to have the relationship that I do.
    I know that literally everything that come to me is filtered through His fingers, so I am very careful with every person, every experience, every opportunity. My hope is that I make a difference through Him in some way some how to someone every day.

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      August 12, 2012 at 9:44 PM

      Cindy, Thank you for following my blog, and I will check your blog out too. Diane is a sweet woman who is humble, and that is good because God blesses humbleness. One day she will receive all her awards and crowns from Jesus for her humbleness and meek spirit, and her love for God. She is blessed to have a wonderful friend in you.

  4. Scott Sholar

    June 18, 2012 at 1:45 PM

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      June 18, 2012 at 2:00 PM

      Thank you!

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      June 18, 2012 at 2:18 PM

      Thank you! I’ve reblogged your prayer request! I know that the Lord’s Will be done for you, and that he indeeds hear our prayers lifting for your health and healing.

  5. barb in wpg

    June 14, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    thank you for visiting and liking my blog! hope you are having a wonderful day!

  6. thepainterspalate

    June 14, 2012 at 9:38 AM

    Hello, Thanks for visiting my blog, much appreciated.

  7. thehomeheart

    June 7, 2012 at 1:53 PM

    Thanks for all the likes 🙂

  8. Naphtali

    May 13, 2012 at 2:13 PM

    NO! I hadn’t heard that…he was such a smart man! I will look it up now.

  9. Naphtali

    May 13, 2012 at 1:38 PM

    I love Perry Stone!

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      May 13, 2012 at 1:53 PM

      Me too. Just got an announcement yesterday from Perry Stone ministries about Grant Jeffries, another Bible Prophecy expert. It said that Jeffries had past away due to complications. Didn’t say whether it was complications to surgery or from something else. I guess it hit Perry Stone and others like Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe hard because they all had just met together this past week. I think God has blessed us with these men who agree on Bible Prophecy and what it is showing us, and to see even one go makes me feel like the time is even closer when God feels that even one Bible Prophecy teache’sr mission on earth is complete. When you think how young Perry Stone is to the others, we have to be in prayer for him, because we will depend on hearing the truth from him even more as the others are called home.

      • Naphtali

        May 13, 2012 at 2:29 PM

        I am in shock. There was a prophecy about 2 major men of God who would pass away. One was Oral Roberts and the other will be Dr. Billy Graham. I use to live right near the Grahams. Went to church with them.
        Grant Jeffries was so knowledgeable of Bible prophecy. I am sure those other men are wondering why now and he was young.

      • forhisgloryandpraise

        May 13, 2012 at 2:39 PM

        Well, we know that the Lord keeps us here until our mission for him is through. I’m just wondering who else of these men will go. We know that the generation from 1948 when Israel became a nation will not all pass before the Lord calls us home. My thoughts are we must be coming close if God calls home the ones teaching us about it. The passing is sad for us, but we know that Grant Jeffries mission must have been complete and today he is praising God in Heaven.

  10. Sebastian

    April 26, 2012 at 11:44 PM

    Hello…thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st. — Sebastian

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      April 27, 2012 at 12:01 AM

      Thank you for following my blog as well. I always check out those who follow before I follow them, because I love having encouragement in my walk with Christ, and so the beauty of your words for Christ were a blessing.