I did not want to hurt so much…Rosana Salgado Burright

20 Jun

I did not want to hurt so much sub english.mp4 – YouTube.  This is the link to her video.

If you are hurting in your heart, going through an illness, or a tough time, or if you have been through a struggle in the past, please watch this You Tube video. My dear friend and sister-in-Christ wrote this song, and it is she who is singing and playing the guitar. Although the song is in Portuguese as her native country is Brazil, the subtitles are in English. She really has a heart for Christ Jesus, and you can feel her prayers through her music. She gives a short Bible Verse at the end, but don’t worry she also gives it in English in the subtitles.

Rosana could use your prayers too.  As I said she is originally from Brazil, but lives here in America now with her husband.  They spent their last dime on the cost of her immigration papers and now her life here is in jeopardy, because they can’t afford the $1,500 for her Green Card.  If they don’t get this she will have to go back to Brazil and start the whole process over.  Please keep her in your prayers, for her financial needs and for her ministry to women in both countries through her music and encouragement to help them overcome hurt, abuse, and more.  Thank you!


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5 responses to “I did not want to hurt so much…Rosana Salgado Burright

  1. alwayzhis

    June 20, 2012 at 4:06 PM

    Thanks for sharing this video. The song is beautiful–and so very true. I will add her to my prayers as the Lord leads. Thank for the blessing!

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      June 20, 2012 at 4:15 PM

      Thank you, I know Rosana will appreciate the prayers very much. I hope the song touched your soul in a special way.

  2. terry1954

    June 20, 2012 at 2:23 PM

    will keep her and her husband in my prayers. thank you for sharing this with me so we may help her

    • forhisgloryandpraise

      June 20, 2012 at 2:38 PM

      I blogged it for you Terry and all my other bloggers who are hurting right now. You need this song, so watch it, and read the English lyrics in the subtitle. I know it was meant for you.

      • terry1954

        June 20, 2012 at 3:18 PM

        i am thank you


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